Hostess wanted, reading incentives, book shower, mystery parties, book corners, dream book, party planning, how to plan, books. Browse our catalogue and find out where to buy usborne books childrens books for all ages usborne publishing we are the leading uk independent publisher of childrens books. Learn about hostess rewards and party prizes with usborne books. Learn about the usborne hostess rewards when you host an usborne party.
Being a usborne party hostess is easy, fun, and a great way to build your library with the amazing usborne hostess rewards. Sell books benefits of having an usborne book party. Dont worry, ill help you through the whole process to make it simple for you and rewarding, too. Thats right, double rewards compared to usbornes basic host rewards. March has a great monthly host special, beyond our basic host rewards. A book party whether in your home, at the park or online is a fun and relaxed way to share usborne books.
Start the process to book a party and you will be eligible for the hostess rewards below. How many free and half priced books can i earn if i host a party with usborne books and more. An usborne hostess earns free and half price books based on the total party sales. And dont worry, this will all be done online so we can party while doing appropriate social distancing. Hostesses receive free and halfoff books for hosting. Guests place their orders through an eshow link so you earn credit for host rewards. If youre interested in hosting a facebook party, simply click on the following link to get your party scheduled. I just want to take a quick moment and share with you our host rewards for april 2020. Hostess rewards usborne books party, usborne books.
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